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Elements Services

Basis Theory Elements offers several methods and to interact with the underlying data and services to collect or share data safely.

Element Methods

Once you have declared an Element component, you can use its ref to invoke the methods below:

import { useRef } from "react";
import { useBasisTheory, BasisTheoryProvider, TextElement } from "@basis-theory/basis-theory-react";

const MyForm = () => {
const { bt } = useBasisTheory("test_1234567890", { elements: true }); // replace test_... w/ your public API key
const fullNameRef = useRef(null);

fullNameRef.focus(); // calling focus method

return (
<BasisTheoryProvider bt={bt}>
<TextElement id="fullName" ref={fullNameRef} placeholder="Full name" aria-label="Full name" />
NameResulting TypeEligible ElementsDescription
clearvoidAllClears the element input(s) value.
focusvoidAllFocuses on the element input.
blurvoidAllBlurs the element input.
monthnumberCardExpirationDateData-parsing method that resolves to the month value of the input date, where "January" = 1.
yearnumberCardExpirationDateData-parsing method that resolves to the four-digit year value of the input date.
setValuevoidAllAccepts a synthetic reference from a retrieved token and safely sets it as the input value.

Tokenization Services

Elements' values can be securely tokenized by simply passing the Element ref instance (or one of its data parsing methods) in the tokenization payload.

The actual input data never leaves the element (iframe) other than to hit our secure API endpoints.
When submitting plainText values, data will be HTML encoded before storage for security reasons.

Create Token

The examples below show how to use Elements' instances in the payload of the tokens.create service.

Create generic token
import { useRef } from "react";
import { useBasisTheory, BasisTheoryProvider, TextElement, BasisTheoryValidationError, BasisTheoryApiError } from "@basis-theory/basis-theory-react";

const MyForm = () => {
const { bt } = useBasisTheory("test_1234567890", { elements: true }); // replace test_... w/ your public API key
const fullNameRef = useRef(null);

const submit = async () => {
const fullName = fullNameRef.current;

try {
const token = await bt.tokens.create({
type: "token",
data: {
name: fullName,
nonSensitiveData: "plainText",
metadata: {
nonSensitiveField: "nonSensitiveValue",

console.log(; // token to share
console.log(JSON.stringify(token)); // full response
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof BasisTheoryValidationError) {
// check error details
} else if (error instanceof BasisTheoryApiError) {
// check error data or status

return (
<BasisTheoryProvider bt={bt}>
<TextElement id="fullName" ref={fullNameRef} placeholder="Full name" aria-label="Full name" />
<button type="submit" onClick={submit} disabled={!bt}>
Create card token
import { useRef } from "react";
import { useBasisTheory, BasisTheoryProvider, CardElement, BasisTheoryValidationError, BasisTheoryApiError } from "@basis-theory/basis-theory-react";

const MyForm = () => {
const { bt } = useBasisTheory("test_1234567890", { elements: true }); // replace test_... w/ your public API key
const cardRef = useRef(null);

const submit = async () => {
const card = cardRef.current;

try {
const token = await bt.tokens.create({
type: "card",
data: card,
metadata: {
nonSensitiveField: "nonSensitiveValue",

console.log(; // token to share
console.log(JSON.stringify(token)); // full response
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof BasisTheoryValidationError) {
// check error details
} else if (error instanceof BasisTheoryApiError) {
// check error data or status

return (
<BasisTheoryProvider bt={bt}>
<CardElement id="card" ref={cardRef} />
<button type="submit" onClick={submit} disabled={!bt}>


The example below shows how to use Elements' instances in the payload of the tokenize service.

Tokenize data
import { useRef } from "react";
import { useBasisTheory, BasisTheoryProvider, TextElement, CardElement, CardNumberElement, CardExpirationDateElement, CardVerificationCodeElement, BasisTheoryValidationError, BasisTheoryApiError } from "@basis-theory/basis-theory-react";

const MyForm = () => {
const { bt } = useBasisTheory("test_1234567890", { elements: true }); // replace test_... w/ your public API key
const cardRef = useRef(null);
const cardNumberRef = useRef(null);
const cardExpirationDateRef = useRef(null);
const cardVerificationCodeRef = useRef(null);
const fullNameRef = useRef(null);

const submit = async () => {
const card = cardRef.current;
const cardNumber = cardNumberRef.current;
const cardExpirationDate = cardExpirationDateRef.current;
const cardVerificationCode = cardVerificationCodeRef.current;
const fullName = fullNameRef.current;

try {
const tokens = await bt.tokenize({
card1: {
type: "card",
data: card,
card2: {
type: "card",
data: {
number: cardNumber,
expiration_month: cardExpirationDate.month(),
expiration_year: cardExpirationDate.year(),
cvc: cardVerificationCode,
name: fullName,
nonSensitiveData: "plainText", // see warning on plain text data
otherData: {
someInteger: 20,
someBoolean: false,
someOtherData: ["plainText1", "plainText2"],

console.log(,,; // token to store
console.log(JSON.stringify(tokens)); // full response
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof BasisTheoryValidationError) {
// check error details
} else if (error instanceof BasisTheoryApiError) {
// check error data or status

return (
<BasisTheoryProvider bt={bt}>
<CardElement id="card" ref={cardRef} />
<CardNumberElement id="cardNumber" ref={cardNumberRef} />
<CardExpirationDateElement id="cardExpirationDate" ref={cardExpirationDateRef} />
<CardVerificationCodeElement id="cardVerificationCode" ref={cardVerificationCodeRef} />
<TextElement id="fullName" ref={fullNameRef} placeholder="Full name" aria-label="Full name" />
<button type="submit" onClick={submit} disabled={!bt}>

Token Update

Aside from creating tokens, an Element value can be used to update a token using tokens.update. To do that, simply pass the Element instance (or one of its data parsing methods) in the payload.

import { useRef } from "react";
import { useBasisTheory, BasisTheoryProvider, TextElement, BasisTheoryValidationError, BasisTheoryApiError } from "@basis-theory/basis-theory-react";

const MyForm = () => {
const { bt } = useBasisTheory("test_1234567890", { elements: true }); // replace test_... w/ your public API key
const fullNameRef = useRef(null);

const submit = async () => {
const fullName = fullNameRef.current;

try {
const token = await bt.tokens.update("ca9f3fd7-3906-4087-83aa-9a6129221297", {
// replace w/ desired token id
data: {
name: fullName,

console.log(JSON.stringify(; // redacted updated token data
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof BasisTheoryValidationError) {
// check error details
} else if (error instanceof BasisTheoryApiError) {
// check error data or status

return (
<BasisTheoryProvider bt={bt}>
<TextElement id="fullName" ref={fullNameRef} placeholder="Full name" aria-label="Full name" />
<button type="submit" onClick={submit} disabled={!bt}>

Detokenization Services

Elements' values can be securely detokenized and revealed using these detokenization services and the Elements' setValue method.

Retrieve Token

When retrieve is called from a Basis Theory instance configured with elements: true, the API request is made from inside a Basis Theory hosted iframe and the returned data remains within it. The examples below show how to use retrieve and setValue, but for more information on revealing and session keys, visit the Reveal Tokenized Data guide.

Retrieve 'string' token data and set value into TextElement
import { useRef } from "react";
import { useBasisTheory, BasisTheoryProvider, TextElement } from "@basis-theory/basis-theory-react";

const MyForm = () => {
const { bt } = useBasisTheory("test_1234567890", { elements: true }); // replace test_... w/ your public API key
const textRef = useRef(null);

const reveal = async () => {
const textElement = textRef.current;

try {
const token = await bt.tokens.retrieve("ca9f3fd7-3906-4087-83aa-9a6129221297", {
apiKey: "key_N88mVGsp3sCXkykyN2EFED", // api key is required and should belong to a session

} catch (error) {
// handle error

return (
<BasisTheoryProvider bt={bt}>
<TextElement id="textElement" ref={textRef} />
<button type="submit" onClick={reveal} disabled={!bt}>
Retrieve card token and set value into CardElement
import { useRef } from "react";
import { useBasisTheory, BasisTheoryProvider, CardElement } from "@basis-theory/basis-theory-react";

const MyForm = () => {
const { bt } = useBasisTheory("test_1234567890", { elements: true }); // replace test_... w/ your public API key
const cardRef = useRef(null);

const reveal = async () => {
const cardElement = cardRef.current;

try {
const token = await bt.tokens.retrieve("ca9f3fd7-3906-4087-83aa-9a6129221297", {
apiKey: "key_N88mVGsp3sCXkykyN2EFED", // api key is required and should belong to a session

// card object

// or

// split approach
number:, // expects string
expiration_month:, // expects number
expiration_year:, // expects number
} catch (error) {
// handle error

return (
<BasisTheoryProvider bt={bt}>
<CardElement id="cardElement" ref={cardRef} />
<button type="submit" onClick={reveal} disabled={!bt}>
Retrieve card token and set value into split card elements
import { useRef } from "react";
import { useBasisTheory, BasisTheoryProvider, CardNumberElement, CardExpirationDateElement } from "@basis-theory/basis-theory-react";

const MyForm = () => {
const { bt } = useBasisTheory("test_1234567890", { elements: true }); // replace test_... w/ your public API key
const cardNumberRef = useRef(null);
const cardExpirationDateRef = useRef(null);

const reveal = async () => {
const cardNumberElement = cardNumberRef.current;
const cardExpirationDateElement = cardExpirationDateRef.current;

try {
const token = await bt.tokens.retrieve("ca9f3fd7-3906-4087-83aa-9a6129221297", {
apiKey: "key_N88mVGsp3sCXkykyN2EFED", // api key is required and should belong to a session

} catch (error) {
// handle error

return (
<BasisTheoryProvider bt={bt}>
<CardNumberElement id="cardNumber" ref={cardNumberRef} />
<CardExpirationDateElement id="cardExpirationDate" ref={cardExpirationDateRef} />
<button type="submit" onClick={reveal} disabled={!bt}>
The data attribute in the token returned by the retrieve method is not the actual data, but a a synthetic representation of the sensitive detokenized data.
Token attributes such as metadata are directly accessible from the retrieve response as they are considered non-sensitive.

Proxy Service

This service wraps the proxy API endpoint to proxy a request to a third-party API.

Invoking Proxy

When a proxy is invoked from a Basis Theory instance configured with elements: true, the API request is made from inside a Basis Theory hosted iframe and the returned data remains within it, whether the proxy has Elements instances in its body or not. The examples below show how to invoke the proxy and use setValue, but for more information on revealing and session keys, visit the Reveal Data from 3rd Party guide. Elements can be used to proxy data securely by including them in the proxy body as shown in the example.

Invoking Pre-Configured Proxy w/ POST
import { useRef } from "react";
import { useBasisTheory, BasisTheoryProvider, TextElement } from "@basis-theory/basis-theory-react";

const MyForm = () => {
const { bt } = useBasisTheory("test_1234567890", { elements: true }); // replace test_... w/ your public API key
const submitRef = useRef(null);
const revealRef = useRef(null);

const proxyAndReveal = async () => {
const submitElement = submitRef.current;
const revealElement = revealRef.current;

try {
const response = await{
headers: {
"BT-PROXY-KEY": "e29a50980ca5", // replace with your pre-configured proxy key (if pre-configured)
body: {
sensitiveValue: submitElement,
nonSensitiveValue: "plainText",
apiKey: "key_N88mVGsp3sCXkykyN2EFED",

} catch (error) {
// handle error

return (
<BasisTheoryProvider bt={bt}>
<TextElement id="submitElement" ref={submitRef} />
<TextElement id="revealElement" ref={revealRef} />
<button type="submit" onClick={proxyAndReveal} disabled={!bt}>
Proxy and Reveal
The proxy response object returned after invoking it with elements is not the actual data, but a a synthetic representation of the sensitive data.

Proxy Invocation Methods

The Elements proxy service supports all of the same HTTP methods that the ephemeral or pre-configured proxy APIs support. All proxy calls take the same options object as a parameter.

get(proxyRequest: ProxyRequestOptions)Performs a proxy GET request.
post(proxyRequest: ProxyRequestOptions)Performs a proxy POST request.
put(proxyRequest: ProxyRequestOptions)Performs a proxy PUT request.
patch(proxyRequest: ProxyRequestOptions)Performs a proxy PATCH request.
delete(proxyRequest: ProxyRequestOptions)Performs a proxy DELETE request.


pathstringfalseString that gets added to the end of the proxied URL path.
queryobjectfalseKey/Value pairs that are added as a query parameter to the proxied URL.
headersobjectfalseKey/Value pairs that are added as headers when invoking the proxied URL.
bodyobjectfalsePayload that gets sent to the proxied URL. Can contain Elements.
apiKeyobjectfalseBasisTheory API Key for authentication
correlationIdobjectfalseID that can be used for request correlation
idempotencyKeyobjectfalseKey used for request idempotency

Access non-sensitive responses from Proxy calls

Our Elements enable you to convert proxy responses into plain text, which is ideal for non-sensitive data handling. This enhancement streamlines your data processing workflows and facilitates an easier understanding of the returned data, bypassing decryption or tokenization.

This feature is currently invite-only. If you're interested, please get in touch for an invitation.

You can capture values from any of our Elements; hence we strongly recommend only using this feature for non-sensitive data. Converting proxy responses to plain text can expose the underlying data to risks, such as unauthorized access or leakage. Ensure the plain-text proxy responses align with your data security policy, data handling practices, and compliance obligations. If you're unsure, please get in touch for guidance at

Http Client Service

Element values can be used in a request to a third-party API using our HTTP client service.


The example below shows how to use the HTTP client service to make a POST request to a third-party API with an element in the payload.

Invoking HTTP Client Service w/ POST
import { useRef } from "react";
import { useBasisTheory, BasisTheoryProvider, CardNumberElement, CardExpirationDateElement, CardVerificationCodeElement, BasisTheoryValidationError, HttpClientError } from "@basis-theory/basis-theory-react";

const MyForm = () => {
const { bt } = useBasisTheory("test_1234567890", { elements: true }); // replace test_... w/ your public API key
const cardNumberRef = useRef(null);
const cardExpirationDateRef = useRef(null);
const cardVerificationCodeRef = useRef(null);

const submit = async () => {
const cardNumber = cardNumberRef.current;
const cardExpirationDate = cardExpirationDateRef.current;
const cardVerificationCode = cardVerificationCodeRef.current;

try {
const response = await'', {
number: cardNumber,
expiration_month: cardExpirationDate.month(),
expiration_year: cardExpirationDate.year(),
cvc: cardVerificationCode,
nonSensitiveData: "plainText",
}, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json',

console.log(JSON.stringify(response)); // full plaintext response
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof BasisTheoryValidationError) {
// check error details
} else if (error instanceof HttpClientError) {
// check error data, status, or headers

return (
<BasisTheoryProvider bt={bt}>
<CardNumberElement id="cardNumber" ref={cardNumberRef} />
<CardExpirationDateElement id="cardExpirationDate" ref={cardExpirationDateRef} />
<CardVerificationCodeElement id="cardVerificationCode" ref={cardVerificationCodeRef} />
<button type="submit" onClick={submit} disabled={!bt}>
The response from this service is the actual plaintext data. It may contain sensitive data depending on the third-party API response.


The example below shows how to use the HTTP client service to make a PUT request to a third-party API with an element in the payload.

Invoking HTTP Client Service w/ PUT
import { useRef } from "react";
import { useBasisTheory, BasisTheoryProvider, CardNumberElement, CardExpirationDateElement, CardVerificationCodeElement, BasisTheoryValidationError, HttpClientError } from "@basis-theory/basis-theory-react";

const MyForm = () => {
const { bt } = useBasisTheory("test_1234567890", { elements: true }); // replace test_... w/ your public API key
const cardNumberRef = useRef(null);
const cardExpirationDateRef = useRef(null);
const cardVerificationCodeRef = useRef(null);

const submit = async () => {
const cardNumber = cardNumberRef.current;
const cardExpirationDate = cardExpirationDateRef.current;
const cardVerificationCode = cardVerificationCodeRef.current;

try {
const response = await bt.put('', {
number: cardNumber,
expiration_month: cardExpirationDate.month(),
expiration_year: cardExpirationDate.year(),
cvc: cardVerificationCode,
nonSensitiveData: "plainText",
}, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json',

console.log(JSON.stringify(response)); // full plaintext response
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof BasisTheoryValidationError) {
// check error details
} else if (error instanceof HttpClientError) {
// check error data, status, or headers

return (
<BasisTheoryProvider bt={bt}>
<CardNumberElement id="cardNumber" ref={cardNumberRef} />
<CardExpirationDateElement id="cardExpirationDate" ref={cardExpirationDateRef} />
<CardVerificationCodeElement id="cardVerificationCode" ref={cardVerificationCodeRef} />
<button type="submit" onClick={submit} disabled={!bt}>
The response from this service is the actual plaintext data. It may contain sensitive data depending on the third-party API response.


The example below shows how to use the HTTP client service to make a PATCH request to a third-party API with an element in the payload.

Invoking HTTP Client Service w/ PATCH
import { useRef } from "react";
import { useBasisTheory, BasisTheoryProvider, CardNumberElement, CardExpirationDateElement, CardVerificationCodeElement, BasisTheoryValidationError, HttpClientError } from "@basis-theory/basis-theory-react";

const MyForm = () => {
const { bt } = useBasisTheory("test_1234567890", { elements: true }); // replace test_... w/ your public API key
const cardNumberRef = useRef(null);
const cardExpirationDateRef = useRef(null);
const cardVerificationCodeRef = useRef(null);

const submit = async () => {
const cardNumber = cardNumberRef.current;
const cardExpirationDate = cardExpirationDateRef.current;
const cardVerificationCode = cardVerificationCodeRef.current;

try {
const response = await bt.patch('', {
number: cardNumber,
expiration_month: cardExpirationDate.month(),
expiration_year: cardExpirationDate.year(),
cvc: cardVerificationCode,
nonSensitiveData: "plainText",
}, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json',

console.log(JSON.stringify(response)); // full plaintext response
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof BasisTheoryValidationError) {
// check error details
} else if (error instanceof HttpClientError) {
// check error data, status, or headers

return (
<BasisTheoryProvider bt={bt}>
<CardNumberElement id="cardNumber" ref={cardNumberRef} />
<CardExpirationDateElement id="cardExpirationDate" ref={cardExpirationDateRef} />
<CardVerificationCodeElement id="cardVerificationCode" ref={cardVerificationCodeRef} />
<button type="submit" onClick={submit} disabled={!bt}>
The response from this service is the actual plaintext data. It may contain sensitive data depending on the third-party API response.


The example below shows how to use the HTTP client service to make a GET request to a third-party API.

Invoking HTTP Client Service w/ GET
import { useBasisTheory, BasisTheoryProvider, BasisTheoryValidationError, HttpClientError } from "@basis-theory/basis-theory-react";

const MyForm = () => {
const { bt } = useBasisTheory("test_1234567890", { elements: true }); // replace test_... w/ your public API key

const submit = async () => {
try {
const response = await bt.get('', {
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',

console.log(JSON.stringify(response)); // full plaintext response
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof BasisTheoryValidationError) {
// check error details
} else if (error instanceof HttpClientError) {
// check error data, status, or headers

return (
<BasisTheoryProvider bt={bt}>
<button type="submit" onClick={submit} disabled={!bt}>
The response from this service is the actual plaintext data. It may contain sensitive data depending on the third-party API response.


The example below shows how to use the HTTP client service to make a DELETE request to a third-party API.

Invoking HTTP Client Service w/ DELETE
import { useBasisTheory, BasisTheoryProvider, BasisTheoryValidationError, HttpClientError } from "@basis-theory/basis-theory-react";

const MyForm = () => {
const { bt } = useBasisTheory("test_1234567890", { elements: true }); // replace test_... w/ your public API key

const submit = async () => {
try {
const response = await bt.delete('', {
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',

console.log(JSON.stringify(response)); // full plaintext response
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof BasisTheoryValidationError) {
// check error details
} else if (error instanceof HttpClientError) {
// check error data, status, or headers

return (
<BasisTheoryProvider bt={bt}>
<button type="submit" onClick={submit} disabled={!bt}>
The response from this service is the actual plaintext data. It may contain sensitive data depending on the third-party API response.


Basis Theory Service Errors

Basis Theory elements services could throw an error based on client-side validations or if the server rejects the request.

Handling services errors
import { BasisTheoryApiError, BasisTheoryValidationError } from "@basis-theory/basis-theory-js/common";

card1: {
type: "card",
data: cardElement1,
card2: {
type: "card",
data: cardElement2,
ssn: textElement,
}).catch((error) => {
if (error instanceof BasisTheoryValidationError) {
// only applies to tokenization
// check error details
} else if (error instanceof BasisTheoryApiError) {
// check error data or status

HTTP Client Service Errors

HTTP client services could throw an error based on client-side validations or if the server rejects the request.

Handling services errors
import { HttpClientError, BasisTheoryValidationError } from "@basis-theory/basis-theory-js/common";{
sensitiveData: textElement,
}).catch((error) => {
if (error instanceof BasisTheoryValidationError) {
// check error details
} else if (error instanceof HttpClientError) {
// check error data, status, or headers


details: {
card1: {
number: {
type: 'invalid'
cvc: {
type: 'incomplete'
card2: {
validation: [] // deprecated
namestringError name, always 'BasisTheoryValidationError'.
detailsobjectMaps payload properties to their respective element's validation problems.


data: {
// API response body
status: 400
namestringError name, always 'BasisTheoryApiError'.
dataobjectResponse body sent from the server.
statusnumberResponse HTTP status.
Error name property may be used instead of checking its instance type.


data: {...},
status: 400,
headers: {...}
namestringError name, always 'HttpClientError'.
dataobjectResponse body sent from the server.
statusnumberResponse HTTP status.
headersobjectResponse HTTP headers.
The response from this service is the actual plaintext data. It may contain sensitive data depending on the third-party API response.